Chapter 8
Nexus Time-of-Use
8.1: Introduction
See the Communicator EXT User Manual for details on programming the Nexus 1250/1252 20 Year TOU calendar and retrieving TOU data.
8.2: The Nexus TOU Calendar
A Nexus TOU calendar sets the parameters for TOU data accumulation. You may store up to twenty calendars in the Nexus 1250/1252 Monitor and an unlimited amount of calendar files on your computer.
The Nexus TOU calendar profile allows you to assign a programmable usage
Each TOU schedule divides the
The Nexus 1250/1252 Monitor stores:
•accumulations on a seasonal basis, up to four seasons per year;
•accumulations on a monthly basis.
Seasonal and monthly accumulations may span one year into the next. Each season and month is defined by a programmable start/billing date, which is also the
•A season ends at midnight of the day before the start of the next season.
•A month ends at midnight of the month’s billing day.
If the year ends and there is no new calendar, TOU accumulations will stop. If a calendar is present for the following year, TOU accumulations continue until the next monthly bill date or next
If no following year is present, the last accumulation for the year will end on 12:31:23:59:59.
Electro Industries/GaugeTech Doc # E107706 V1.25 |