sRGB: For projecting standard sRGB computer displays.

Blackboard: Fixed color mode for projecting against a green blackboard.


Lightens or darkens the overall image.


Adjusts the difference between light and dark areas.

Color Saturation

Adjusts the depth or intensity of the image colors.


Adjusts the tint of the image (not available for RGB video images).


Adjusts the sharpness of the image.

Color Adjustment

Adjusts the temperature and intensity of red, green, and blue.

3.When the image is set correctly, press Esc or Menu. Your settings are automatically saved.


The Brightness setting changes the opacity of the projector’s LCD panels. You can also adjust the brightness of the lamp itself. Select Brightness Control in the Settings menu, then choose High or Low (the default setting is High). Selecting the low brightness setting extends the life of the lamp (see page 114).

Configuring the Projector 55