TM-P60 with Peeler Technical Reference Guide

Chapter 3


This section describes general troubleshooting.

3.1 LED Blinking Pattern

3.1.1 Error Types

The printer stops all printer operations, goes offline, and the ERROR LED blinks when an error is detected.



ERROR LED Blinking Pattern


















320 ms

















































































Printer temperature

The internal temperature




























Recovers automatically

error (*1)

of the printer is extremely




























when the printer cools





























































Paper error

The basic position on the




























Recovers automatically


label cannot be detected




























when the cover is





























































Layout error

Paper layout differs from




























Recovers by error


the actual paper




























recovery command






























Paper jam occurs
























































































Circuit error

The circuit board doesn’t




























Impossible to recover





























































Memory error

The printer does not work




























Impossible to recover


correctly in R/W checking.



























































Voltage error

The power supply voltage




























Impossible to recover


is extremely high or low



























































Software error

The firmware does not




























Impossible to recover.


work correctly.



























































The radio unit error

The IEEE802.11b radio




























Impossible to recover


interface unit doesn’t






















































































































Overload error

Temperature of thermal




























Impossible to recover





























head is abnormally high.






























Temperature of






























IEEE802.11b wireless






























interface communication






























unit is abnormally high.



























































Battery charging error

Battery voltage does not




























Replace the battery


reach the prescribed




























































Battery charging is not

























































































Rev. B

Troubleshooting 3-1

Page 55
Image 55
Epson TM-P60 manual LED Blinking Pattern, Error Types