AUTO WATER - Auto Water Level Adjustment
The water level that Smartdrive fills to on auto water level may be adjusted. Select AUTO WATER. Use the MORE or LESS buttons to decrease or increase the fill level. NB: If there is not enough water for the load, check by pausing Smartdrive and pushing the clothes down to see how much spare water is at the bottom of the bowl. Clothes often float and Smartdrive can sensethe water under the clothes.
TEMP - Wash Water Temperature Adjustment
The wash temperatures can be adjusted. Select TEMP. Use the DOWN or UP buttons to decrease or increase the wash temperature. Select OK to save the new temperature settings. Each move up or down is approximately 1oC.
AUTO RINSE - Rinse Default Options
This menu changes the rinse option to which Smartdrive defaults. (Spray and deep is the standard rinse default). It may be desirable to change the type of rinse selected for a number of reasons. If there is problem with impurities in the water supply a better wash may be attained by changing the rinse option to 2 deep rinses. To conserve water select a single deep rinse or a shower rinse.
Single - Short spin followed by 1 deep rinse. Double - 2 deep rinses.
Spray & Deep - Spray rinse followed by 1 deep rinse. Shower - Shower rinse.
Auto Water Adjust
Water Temp Adjust
Rinse Defaults
single spray&deep
double shower
Shower rinse alternately showers the clothes with water and spins them to remove the sudsy water. It is not designed to be used with fabric softener as a shower rinse does not use a deep rinse so it cannot dispense fabric softener correctly.
Creasable Spin Speed
The Creasables fabric care option defaults to a slow spin speed (300rpm). However, a medium spin speed (700rpm) may be selected. Select OTHER. Select CREASABLE SPIN. Select MEDIUM.
Other Defaults
Creasable Spin
While Smartdrive is spinning, if it senses the wash load is out of balance it stops. It retries spinning up to three times. If an unbalanced load is detected there are two recovery options.
Automatic Recovery Option. Smartdrive tries to automatically correct the out of balance load. It fills with water and agitates to redistribute the load before trying to spin up again. ‘OOB’ on the LCD is highlighted.
Machine Stops Option (default). Smartdrive will stop, give a short burst of beeps every five seconds, and display a message to let you know to redistribute the load more evenly. Use this option to conserve water.
End of Cycle BEEPS
The number of beeps at the end of the cycle can be set to zero, five (default) or fifteen. Use the DOWN and UP buttons to decrease or increase the number of beeps. The LCD will display the number of beeps selected.
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