<volt>parameter is always in mV. The response to this command is a tempera-
ture in the currently selected units. The current system units determine the scale
of the response.
8.4.5 Calibration Coefficient CommandsThe calibration coefficientcommands are used fo r querying and setting the
channel calibration date, due date, linearity,offset, scale, and RJC. CALibrate:AUTo
Executesth e automatic calibration procedure when using Fast Measurement
Mode (see Sections6.9, Fast Measurement Mode, 7.1.1, Measure Period and
FastMeasurement Mode, and 7.1.5, Display Functions/Auto-Cal).
CAL:AUT CALibrate<chn>:DATE:CALibrate? [MIN|MAX|DEF]
Returns the calibration date for the specified channel.
The CALibratesuffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 to 4). This command
does notapply to memory channels. The response is returned in the format,
<year>,<month>,<day>. Specifying theMIN parameter returns a valueof
2000,1,1. Specifying theMAX p arameterreturns a value of 2099,12,31. Spec-
ifyingthe DEF parameter returns a value of 2000,1,1. CALibrate<chn>:DATE:CALibrate
Sets the calibration date for the specified channel.
The CALibratesuffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 to 4). This command
does notapply to memory channels. The <year>, <month>, and <day> parame-
tersmust all be supplied. The <year> parameter is a four-digit number (2000 to
2099). The <month>parameter is a one or two-digit number (1 to 12). The
<day> parameter is a one or two-digitnumber (1 to 31). Specifying the MIN,
MAX or DEF parameter sets the calibration date to the minimum, maximum,
or defaultvalue respectively.
This command is password-protected. Toaccess this command, the password
must besuccessfully entered u sing theSYST:PASS:CEN <pass> command
(see Section 8.4.11, PasswordCommands). CALibrate<chn>:DATE:DUE? [MIN|MAX|DEF]
Returns the recalibration date for the specified channel.
8 Digital Communications Interface