The response iseither 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled). A response of 0 indicates
password-protectedsettings cannot be accessed. A response of 1 indicates the
passwordwas successfully entered and password-protected settings can be
accessed. SYSTem:PASSword:CONVersion? [MIN|MAX|DEF]
Returnsthe current probe password-protected state.
If the response to this command is 0, the indicated conversionsettings are not
password-protectedand can be accessed without having to enter the password.
If the response to this command is 1, the indicated conversionsettings are pass-
word-protected and thepassword must be entered before they can be accessed.
Specifying the MIN parameter returns a value of 0. Specifying the MAX pa-
rameter returnsa value of 1. Specifying the DEF parameter returns a value of 0. SYSTem:PASSword:CONVersion <bool>|MIN|MAX|DEF
Sets theprobe password-protection state.
The <bool> parameter allowsthe indicated conversion settings to be password
protected (1 or ON) or not (0 or OFF). Setting this to 1 requires the password to
be entered before the indicated conversionsettings can be accessed. Setting this
to 0 allowsthe indicated conversion settings to be accessed without having to
enter the password.This command is password protected. To access this com-
mand, the passwordmust be successfully entered using the SYST:PASS:CEN
<pass> command (see section9.4.11, Password Commands). SYSTem:PASSword:NEW <pass>
Sets thecurrent system password to a new password.
The <pass> parametermust be a 4-digit number (0000 to 9999). The password
is required to access theindicated settings. This command is password pro-
tected. Toaccess this command, the password must be successfully entered us-
ing theSYST:PASS:CEN <pass> command (see Section 9.4.11, Password
8 Digital Communications Interface