If 0 is returned,the scan mode is simultaneous. If a 1 is returned the scan mode
is scan. Specifying the MIN parameter returns a valueof 0. Specifying the
MAX parameter returns a valueof 1 . Specifying the DEF parameter returns a
value of 1. ROUTe:SCAN:MODE <num>|MIN|MAX|DEF
Sets the scan mode setting.
The <num> specifiesthe scan mode (1 for scan, 0 for simultaneous). Spec-
ifying the MIN, MAX, or DEF parameter sets the mode to the minimum, maxi-
mum, or default,respectively. The *RST command sets scan mode to scan.
8.4.4 Probe CommandsThe probe commands are used for querying, setting, and copyingthe probe
conversiontype, conversion parameters, and serial number and for testing the
temperatureconversion for a channel. The probe commands for copying and
setting parameters are password protected. CALCulate<chn>:CONVert:CATalog?
Returns a list of conversiontypes available for the specified channel.
The CALCulatesuffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 to 4) or memory chan-
nel (5 to14). Each item in the response list is enclosed in double quotes and
separated from other itemsby a comma. See Table 7 on page 124, for the avail-
able conversiontypes. CALCulate<chn>:CONVert:COPY <dest chn>|ALL
Copiesthe conversion type, sub-ranges (ITS-90), serial number, and character-
izationcoefficients from one channel to another.
The CALCulatesuffix <chn> specifies the source channel (1 to 4). The <dest
chn> parameterspecifies the destination channel (1 to 4). When the copy is
performed, the source channel parameters are not affected.If the destination
channel typeis different from the source channel type, the error -294, "Incom-
patible type" is generated. Specifying the ALL parameter copies the source
channel parameters to all compatible channels. The exampleabove copies the
parametersfrom channel 2 to memory channel PMEM3.
8 Digital Communications Interface