The ECHO parameter allowsthe user to set the echo (duplex) mode. Selecting
ON enables echoing so that all characters receivedon the serial port are echoed
back overthe serial port. This mode is useful when using terminal emulation
software on a computer to communicate with the instrument. Selecting OFF
disablesechoing. This mode is commonly used when using control software on
the computer.
Press the LR buttonsto select the parameter setting. Use the UD buttons
to scroll between thep arameters. Pressthe Enter buttontosavethenewset
ting.Press and hold the Exit button to cancel to the main display or press the
EXIT buttonto cancel and to move to the next parameter. GPIB (Optional)
When the GPIB option isselected, the parameters for the IEEE-488 port are
displayedon thebottom portion of the display. These parameters are: GPIB,
The GPIB parameter allowsthe user to enable o r disable the IEEE-488 port.
The ADDR parameterallows the user to specify the address of this instrument
on the IEEE-488 bus.The default address is 22 and the range is 1 to 30.
The TERM parameter allowsthe user to s electthe termination character trans-
mitted after each transmission. The defaulttermination character is linefeed
7.5.2 Date TimeThe DATETIME function is used for setting the time-of-day clock, time for-
mat, date,and date format. When this function is selected, the bottom portion
1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide