b) If you wantto save the downloaded data to a file, configure your ter-
minal program to capture the incoming text and save it to a text file. Re-
fer to your terminalprogram’s documentation for details on how to do
3. Determinehow many logged readings are stored in the 1529’s memory.
a) Forthe autolog, send the command “LOG:AUT:POIN?”. If the response to
this command is “0”, there are no autolog readings to download.
b) Forthe demand log, send the command “LOG:DEM:POIN?”. If the re-
sponse tothis command is “0”, there are no demand log readings to download.
4. Begindownloading the data.
a) Tobegin downloading the autolog data, send the command
“LOG:AUT:PRIN”to initiate the download process.
b) Tobegin downloading the demand log data, send the command
“LOG:DEM:PRIN” to initiate the download process.
c) The 1529 shouldimmediately begin downloading the data. If no readings
havebeen stored, the 1529 will not respond to these commands. For more de-
tailson using these commands, see Sections and
5. If the terminal program was set to capture the incoming data to a file, wait
until no moredata is being received, then stop capturing.
11.3 CE Comments

11.3.1 EMC Directive

Hart Scientifics’equipment has been tested to meet the European Electromag-
netic Compatibility Directive(EMC Directive, 89/336/EEC). The Declaration
of Conformityfor your instrumentlists the specific standards to which the unit
was tested.
The instrumentwas designed specifically as a test and measuring device. Com-
plianceto the EMC directive is through IEC 61326-1 Electrical equipment for
measurement,control and laboratory use – EMC requirements (1998).
As noted inthe IEC 61326-1, the instrument can have varying configurations.
The instrumentwas tested in a typical configuration with shielded, grounded
probe and RS-232 cables.Emissions may, in non-typical applications, exceed
the levelsrequired by the standard. It is not practical to test all configurations,
as the manufacturerhas no control over the probes the user may connect to the
instrument. Immunity Testing
The instrumentwas tested to the requirements for industrial locations. This al-
lowsthe instrument to be used in all types of locations from the laboratory to
the factoryfloor. Criterion B was used for Radiated RF (IEC 61000-4-3) and
1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide