ConductedRF (IEC 61000-4-6). Therefore, the operation of the instrument
may be affectedby excessive electromagnetic interference and the instrument
may not perform within the normal specification limits in such an environment.
CriterionC was used for Electrostatic Discharge (ESD, IEC 61000-4-2) and
ElectricFast Transit (EFT, Burst, IEC 61000-4-4). If the instrument is sub-
jected toEFT conditions at 2kV, the instrument may require the user to cycle
the powerto retu rn to normal operation. Emission Testing
The instrument fulfills the limit requirements for Class A equipment but does
not fulfillthe limit requirements for Class B equipment. The instrument was
not designedto be used in domestic establishments.
11.3.2 Low Voltage Directive (Safety)
In order to complywith the European Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC),
Hart Scientificequipment has been designed to meet the IEC 1010-1 (EN
61010-1) and theIEC 1010-2-010 (EN 61010-2-010) standards.
11.4 Frequently Asked Questions11.4.1 Battery
1. What type of batteries does the Model 1529 use? The Model 1529 uses a
built-in Nickel-Metal-Hydride battery pack.
2. How long do I need to charge the battery initially? The batteries come
fully charged. If for some reason they are not fully charged, the front
panel indicator shows this and you can recharge them as needed.
3. How long does the battery take to fully charge? About 3 hours from
fully discharged.
4. How long does the battery last from full charge? About 8 hours from
full charge with thebacklight off.
5. How do I know when the battery is at full charge? The charging indica-
tor LED located on the back panel displays amber while charging and
then turns green when the batteries are fully charged (only when the AC
adapter is connected). The front panel indicator at the bottom right
shows when the batteries are in use and their approximate charge state.
6. How does thebacklight affect the battery life? With the backlight on low
the battery life is reduced by 25%, medium by 30%, and high by 40%.
7. Do I have to let the battery fully discharge before charging? No, the bat-
teries do not need to be fully discharged before recharging. You may re-
charge them at any time.
8. Is it recommended that I allow the battery pack to fully discharge occa-
sionally? In order to maintain the charge/discharge characteristics of the
11 Troubleshooting
Frequently Asked Questions