The LOG PER parameter is for selecting theinterval between measurements.
Youmay select between 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, and 30 seconds, 1, 2, 5, 10,
and 30 minutesor 1 hour. The LOG PER must be set to a value less than or
equal to the measurement period. The 1529 will not log readings fasterthan the
measurement period. The measurement period is set in the MEASURE PE-
RIOD function of theCHANNEL menu and is the rate at which readings are
If the log period is setto a value less than the measure period the following
message is displayedin the lower portion of the display.
Press ENTER to continue…
The X in the message is thecurrent measurement period. After the Enter but -
ton is pressed, the measurements are logged atthe current measure period.
The COUNTparameter is for selecting the total number of readings to log. The
defaultis 8,160, which is the maximum number of readings that can be logged.
If the countis set to 10 and two channels are displayed on the screen at the time
logging starts, fivereadings from each channel are logged for a total of 10 read-
ings. Theauto log automatically stops after the number of readings selected is
reached or when the user stops thelog manually.
Press the LR buttons to change a setting and the UD buttons to scroll be-
tween the parameters. Press Enter buttonto save the new setting. Press and
hold theEx it buttonto cancel to the main display or press the EXIT button to
cancel and to moveto the next parameter. Start Stop
The STARTSTOP function starts and stops auto log sessions. When this func-
tion is selected, theuser is prompted to either start or stop an auto log session
by pressing theEnter button. If an auto log session is not currently running,
the user is prompted to STARTRECORDING DATA.If an auto log session is
running, theuser is prompted to STOP RECORDING DATA.
1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide