Command Description ReferTo
SYSTem:DATE?[MIN|MAX|DEF] Returnsthe date Section8.4.10
SYSTem:DATE(<year>,<month>,<day>) Setsthe date to the specified year, month, and day Section8.4.10
SYSTem:ERRor? Returnsa system error message from the system error
Section 8.4.8
SYSTem:KLOCkout?[MIN|MAX|DEF] Returnsthe state of the keypad lockout Section8.4.9
SYSTem:KLOCkout<bool>|MIN|MAX|DEF Enablesor disables the keypad Section8.4.9
SYSTem:PASSword:CDISable Disablespassword-protected commands Section 8.4.11
SYSTem:PASSword:CENable<pass> Enablespassword-protected commands Section 8.4.11
SYSTem:PASSword:CENable:STATe? Returnsthe current password-protection state Section8.4.11
SYSTem:PASSword:CONVersion?[MIN|MAX|DEF] Returnsthe current password-protectedstate of the con-
Section 8.4.11
SYSTem:PASSword:CONVersion<bool> |MIN|MAX|DEF Setsthe password-protection state of the conversion
Section 8.4.11
SYSTem:PASSword:NEW<pass> Setsa new password Section8.4.11
SYSTem:POWer:BATTery? Returnsthe current battery charge level Section8.4.9
SYSTem:POWer:SOURce? Returnsthe source of power being used Section8.4.9
SYSTem:SNUMber? Returns the instrumentserial number Section8.4.8
SYSTem:TIME? Returnsthe time Section 8.4.10
SYSTem:TIME(<hour>,<minute>,<second>) Setsthe time to the specified hour, minute, second Section 8.4.10
SYSTem:VERSion? Returnsthe SCPI version number Section 8.4.8
TRIGger:TIMer?[MIN|MAX|DEF] Returns the value of the scan sequence timer setting Section8.4.2
TRIGger:TIMer<num>|MIN|MAX|DEF Setsthe scan sequence timer setting Section 8.4.2
UNIT:TEMPerature? Returns the system temperature units Section8.4.8
UNIT:TEMPerature<unit> Setsthe system temperature units Section8.4.8
8.3.2 Command SyntaxThe 1529 accepts commands that set parameters, executefunctions or respond
with requested data. These commands are in theform of strings of ASCII-en-
coded characters. As faras possible, the 1529 conforms to IEEE-488.2, 1992
and SCPI-1994. One notableexception is that compound commands are not al-
lowedas explained below.
Commands consist of a command header and, if necessary,parameter data. All
commands must beterminated with either a carriage return (ASCII 0D hex or
13 decimal) or newline character (ASCII 0A hex or 10 decimal).
Command headers consistof one or more mnemonics separated by colons (:).
Mnemonics may use lettercharacters, the underscore character (_), and possi-
bly numericdigits as well. Commands are not case sensitive. Mnemonics often
havealternate forms. Most mnemonics have a long form that is more readable
and a short form consistingof three or four characters thatis more efficient.
8 Digital Communications Interface
Interface Commands