OSPF Configure Commands
configure router ospf interface retransmit_interval
This command configures the retransmit time for the link state advertisement retransmission for neighbors belonging to the interface.
When a router sends a link state advertisement to its neighbor, it keeps the LSA until it receives an acknowledgment. If an acknowledgment is not received in n seconds, the router will retransmit the LSA.
Parameter | Description |
seconds | Time in seconds between retransmission. |
| It must be conservatively set, but greater than the expected round trip |
| delay between routers on the attached network. |
| The range is 1- 65535; the default is 5. |
[ no ] retransmit_interval < n >
related commands:
configure router ospf interface authentication configure router ospf interface cost configure router ospf interface dead_interval configure router ospf interface hello_interval configure router ospf interface neighbor configure router ospf interface network configure router ospf interface poll_interval configure router ospf interface priority configure router ospf interface transmit_delay
applicable systems:
All models.
June 2004 | © 2004 Foundry Networks, Inc. | 9 - 33 |