Policy Commands
configure policy community_list
This command accesses
Community lists are used for matching the “community” attribute in a BGP route. A community list succeeds if any “permit” line in the list matches, or fails if any “deny” line matches. Matching proceeds sequentially and stops at the first match. A line in a community list is normally said to match if the route being tested contains at least all of the communities listed in the line. That is, it may contain additional communities as well. If the
The communities parameter can be:
•aa:nn (an integer between 0 and 65,535)
•community (an integer between 1 and 4294967295
Note that “exact_match” is supported in the community_list as well as at the route_map level. If neither permit nor deny is specified, the default is permit. If no community is specified, any route will be matched, regardless of what communities are present. The route will even be matched if the community path attribute is not present. Any number of community list lines may be declared. They are evaluated in the order declared.
related commands:
configure policy community_list extended_community configure policy community_list standard_community
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