show ip bgp neighbors
This command displays detailed information and status on all BGP neighbors, including:
•peer group and AS affiliations
•configured and negotiated timers
•minimum times between advertisements
•receive and transmit updates
•BGP state status
•TCP connection ( active or inactive)
Parameter | Description |
group | Neighbors belonging to a group |
| Enter a name or word. |
address | Neighbor to display information about |
| Enter an IP address. |
routes |
advertised_routes | Display the routes advertised to a BGP neighbor. |
received_routes | Display the routes received from a neighbor. |
show ip bgp neighbors [ group < name > ] [ address < IP address# ] [ routes < advertised_routes received_routes > ]
Foundry-AR1208# show ip bgp neighbors
8 - 6 | © 2004 Foundry Networks, Inc. | June 2004 |