Chapter 10 Troubleshooting
10.2 How to Obtain Error Information
ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider 2.1 User’s Guide
Copyright 2012 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-4582-03ENZ0
10.2 How to Obtain Error InformationIf contacting a Fujitsu field engineer (FE) when an error occurs, prepare the following information.
Obtain error information for each production server and backup server.
■Obtaining information with the Error Information Acquisition function
The procedure for obtaining error information is as follows.
1Start the Error Information Acquisition function.
The Error Information Acquisition function must be started by users who belong to the
Administrators group.
•For Windows Server 2008
Click the [Start] button – [All Programs] – [ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider] – [Error
Information Acquisition function] to start.
-For a Server Core environment
Execute ["installation folder"\bin\stxvsnaperrinfo.exe].
•For Windows Server 2012
Click the [Start] icon – [Error Information Acquisition function] to start.
-For a Server Core environment
Execute ["installation folder"\bin\stxvsnaperrinfo.exe].
2Specify the name of the folder where error information is stored.
Specify the folder name with alphanumeric characters and symbols that can be specified for a
folder name. If inappropriate characters or symbols are specified, an error will occur.
3Click the [START] button to start acquisition.
End of procedure
■dsnap information
dsnap information is collected using the "dsnap" command.
Check with a Fujitsu field engineer (FE) for the "dsnap" command.
If the Error Information Acquisition function ended abnormally, obtain all of the following information.