Chapter 3 Preparation
3.2 Shadow Copy Destination Disk Creation
ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider 2.1 User’s Guide
Copyright 2012 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-4582-03ENZ0
3Measure the amount of updates using the extracted "Update Volume Measurement
Example) With the "Update Volume Measurement Command" extracted in C:\temp
(1)Start measuring the amount of updates for the target source disk. (start option)
(2)Measure the typical amount of source disk updates.
To discover the typical amount of source disk updates, run some arbitrary update operations.
For example, to estimate the required capacity for backing up a whole day of updates,
execute a typical days worth of update operations.
(3)After the arbitrary update oper ations have completed, check the amount of source disk
updates. (status option)
(4)After checking the amount of updates, stop measuring the amount of updates. (stop option)
(5)Estimate a SDV capacity.
According to the measured amount of updates, estimate the SDV physical capacity.
Example) Based on the result in (3), SDV physical capacity = 2MB.
4Because the command executed here is for pre-operation use in determining required
capacities, delete the "Update Volume Measurement Command" package and
extracted files after determining the required capacity.
End of procedure
For the details about the "Update Volume Measurement Command", refer to "8.2 Update Volume
Measurement Command (stxvtestcopy)" (page 54).
C:\temp>stxvtestcopy start -p 1
stxvtestcopy successfully completed.
C:\temp>stxvtestcopy status -p 1
source-disk update
1 2
stxvtestcopy successfully completed.
C:\temp>stxvtestcopy stop -p 1
stxvtestcopy successfully completed.