Chapter 9 Messages
9.1 Event Log Messages
ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider 2.1 User’s Guide
Copyright 2012 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-4582-03ENZ0
■Event ID: 1201Type:Error
Messages:STXV1201 ERROR A pipe error occurred during the process.
A pipe error occurred during the process. The process is canceled.
Refer to "10.2 How to Obtain Error Information" (page 131), and prepare the required information
before contacting a Fujitsu field engineer (FE).
■Event ID: 1202Type:Error
Messages:STXV1202 ERROR Preparation for starting process failed.
Preparation for starting process failed. The process is canceled.
Perform the following procedure, and try again.
-Restart the ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider Communication Server service
-Exit unnecessary applications
-Reboot the server
If this occurs often, review the system resources.
■Event ID: 1203Type:Error
Messages:STXV1203 ERROR Execution of the process failed.
Execution of the process failed. The process is canceled.
Perform the following procedure, and try again.
-Restart the ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider Communication Server service
-Exit unnecessary applications
-Reboot the server
If this occurs often, review the system resources.
■Event ID: 1204Type:Error
Messages:STXV1204 ERROR An error occurred while reading a result data during the process.
An error occurred while reading a result data during the process. The process is canceled.
Refer to "10.2 How to Obtain Error Information" (page 131), and prepare the required information
before contacting a Fujitsu field engineer (FE).