Chapter 8 Commands
8.1 Provider Registration/Deletion Command (stxvprovider)
ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider 2.1 User’s Guide
Copyright 2012 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-4582-03ENZ0
Commands must be executed by users who belong to the Administrators group.
For an account belonging to an Administrators group that is uniquely created by a user, select "Run as
administrator" in the menu that is displayed by right-clicking and start the command prompt that is used
to execute commands.
The following table shows notation used for explaining commands.
8.1 Provider Registration/Deletion Command (stxvprovider)This command registers or deletes VSSHP in VSS.
For backup operation using VSSHP, VSSHP must be registered in VSS in advance to enable
cooperation with VSS. To release cooperation with VSS, VSSHP must be deleted from VSS.
■Description of options
Notation Description
| One of multiple options is specified.
[ ] Arbitrarily-specified item
_ Omitted value
Italic Variable part
"Installation folder"\bin\stxvprovider install | uninstall
Option Description
install Registers VSSHP in VSS. The following information is registered.
•Provider name: "ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider"
•Provider type: Hardware
•Provider ID: {38A7D4B1-9B95-45ab-82E1-EDFC591307EF}
•Version: VSSHP version and level
If VSSHP has already been registered, it will not be registered again.
uninstall Deletes VSSHP from VSS.
If VSSHP has already been deleted, it cannot be deleted again.