Chapter 8 Commands
8.7 Communication Environment Check Command (stxvchkcommu)
ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider 2.1 User’s Guide
Copyright 2012 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-4582-03ENZ0
8.7 Communication Environment Check Command (stxvchkcommu)This command checks whether the communication environment between the production server and
backup server is correct.
Execute this command on a production server.
■Execution example
■Displayed contents
"Installation folder"\bin\stxvchkcommu
C:\>"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider\bin\stxvchkcommu"
Computer Name : BKUPSRV002
stxvchkcommu successfully completed.
Title Description
Computer Name The computer name of the backup server is displayed.
If the computer name cannot be obtained, review the communication environment.
There is no option in this command. The specified value is ignored.