Chapter 8 Commands
8.4 Batch Stop Command (stxvstopall)
ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider 2.1 User’s Guide
Copyright 2012 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-4582-03ENZ0
8.4 Batch Stop Command (stxvstopall)This command stops copy sessions including sessions suspended by an error, for the Shadow Copy
destinations that are registered in a target disk pool management file.
Execute this command on a backup server.
■Description of options
■Execution example
"Installation folder"\bin\stxvstopall -f | -e
Option Description
-f Stops all copy sessions including sessions suspended by an error.
-e Stops only sessions suspended by an error.
C:\>"C:\Program Files\ETERNUS VSS Hardware Provider\bin\stxvstopall" -f
STXV3020 INFO Copy session was stopped. Source-BoxID =
00E4000M3#####E430S20AU###MP4020738001##, Source-OLU = 0x000b, Target-BoxID =
00E4000M3#####E430S20AU###MP4020738001##, Target-OLU = 0x001f
STXV3020 INFO Copy session was stopped. Source-BoxID =
00E4000M3#####E430S20AU###MP4020738001##, Source-OLU = 0x000f, Target-BoxID =
00E4000M3#####E430S20AU###MP4020738001##, Target-OLU = 0x0021
STXV3020 INFO Copy session was stopped. Source-BoxID =
00E4000M3#####E430S20AU###MP4020738001##, Source-OLU = 0x0010, Target-BoxID =
00E4000M3#####E430S20AU###MP4020738001##, Target-OLU = 0x0015
STXV3020 INFO Copy session was stopped. Source-BoxID =
00E4000M3#####E430S20AU###MP4020738001##, Source-OLU = 0x0010, Target-BoxID =
00E4000M3#####E430S20AU###MP4020738001##, Target-OLU = 0x0016
STXV3020 INFO Copy session was stopped. Source-BoxID =
00E4000M3#####E430S20AU###MP4020738001##, Source-OLU = 0x0007, Target-BoxID =
00E4000M3#####E430S20AU###MQ5020739011##, Target-OLU = 0x001d
STXV3020 INFO Copy session was stopped. Source-BoxID =
00E4000M3#####E430S20AU###MP4020738001##, Source-OLU = 0x0018, Target-BoxID =
00E4000M3#####E430S20AU###MP4020738001##, Target-OLU = 0x0026
stxvstopall 6 copy sessions were stopped.
stxvstopall successfully completed.