Chapter 9 Troubleshooting 154 USER MANUAL
Unable to read main or
auxiliary encoder input. The encoder does not work
when swapped with
another encoder input.
1. Wrong encoder
2. Encoder is damaged
3. Encoder
configuration incorrect.
Check encoder wiring. For single
ended encoders (CHA and CHB
only) do not make any connections
to the CHA- and CHB- inputs.
Replace encoder
Check CE command
Unable to read main or
auxiliary encoder input. The encoder works
correctly when swapped
with another encoder input.
1. Wrong encoder
2. Encoder
configuration incorrect.
3. Encoder input or
controller is damaged
Check encoder wiring. For single
ended encoders (CHA and CHB
only) do not make any connections
to the CHA- and CHB- inputs.
Check CE command
Contact Galil
Encoder Position Drifts Swapping cables fixes the
problem 1. Poor Connections /
intermittent cable Review all terminal connections
and connector contacts.
Encoder Position Drifts Significant noise can be
seen on CHA and / or CHB
encoder signals
1. Noise Shield encoder cables
Avoid placing power cables near
encoder cables
Avoid Ground Loops
Use differential encoders
Use +/-12V encoders
Cannot communicate with
controller. Galil software returns error
message when
communication is
1. Address conflict
2. IRQ address
3. Address selection
does not agree with
Change address jumper positions,
and change if necessary (Chap 4)
Select different IRQ
From Galil software, edit Galil