Installation and Setup Guide
E n t d A 0 2 2 - 4 0 6 3 1 R c v d A 0 2 2 - 4 0 6 4 1
If Serial or Loop Numbers do not match after activating the transmitter
[∗] to continue
If the serial number transmitted does not match the serial number entered, a display similar to the one shown appears. If the loop number does not match, it will also be displayed.
If so, activate the loop input or button on the transmitter once again. If a match is not obtained (i.e., summary display does not appear), press the [#] key twice and then enter (or transmit) the correct serial number.
A000 - 000 0 0
To Delete a Serial No.
0 in loop number field = delete serial number; # = undo deletion; [∗] to continue
To delete an existing serial number, enter 0 in the loop number field. The serial number will change to 0's.
If 0 was entered in error, simply
Zn ZT RC In: L
10 03 10 RF: 1s
Summary Screen
[∗] to continue
If the serial number transmitted matches the serial number entered, the keypad will beep 3 times and a summary display will appear, showing that zone's programming. Note that an “s” indicates that a transmitter’s serial number has been enrolled.
Press [∗] to accept the zone information and continue.
Alpha Descriptors
0 = no; 1 = yes; [∗] to continue
If you want to program descriptors for zones now, enter 1 (Yes) and refer to the Alpha Descriptor Programming section for available descriptors.
EN TE R Z N N U M . (00 = QUI T) 11
Next Zone Number
[∗] to continue; 00 = quit
If 0 (No) was entered above, the system will return you to the ENTER ZN NUM. prompt for the next zone.
When all zones have been programmed, enter 00 to quit.
Completing Zone Programming
•When you have finished programming all zones, test each zone using the system’s TEST mode.
•Do not use the Transmitter ID Sniffer Mode for checking wireless transmitting devices, as it will only check for transmission of one zone on a particular transmitter, NOT the zones assigned to each additional loop.
NOTE: Following the successful enrollment of each wireless device, note the device serial number in the appropriate column on the ENROLLED TRANSMITTERS worksheet in the Programming Form; then enter the other information (zone number, zone type, loop number, etc.) relevant to that device.
∗58 Expert Programming Mode Procedures
This method is designed for use by installers with previous experience in programming ADEMCO control panels. This mode is also used to program wireless keys using
Start Expert Programming mode by pressing ✱58 while in Data Programming mode.
0 = NO 1 = YES 0
0 = no; 1 = yes; [∗] to continue
This display appears upon entry into this mode.
The default is 0 (No).
If 1 (Yes) is entered, you will be prompted to confirm each transmitter after entering the serial and loop numbers (at the “XMIT TO CONFIRM” prompt later).