l: r.f:

Remve A1U202. Alte- nately @nnect +5 v 6nd - S V ro AlAl TPA. Potar- ity display shoutd be + for + 5 V a n d - f o r - 5 V .

54904 - O - 3004

Moniror AlAl TPB with dc wltmeter or scope and

repeat .pfevaous test, volt- age should be apfox.

+ 3 V f o r + 5 V i n , a n d a p p r o x . - 0 . 4 V t o r - 5 V i n

Check @ltage at fin 8 of

AlU2O3. Should be + 1 1 . 4 V i 1 0 % .

With Al U202 out, connect

+5 V to A'l41TPA.Appty tull range p6;tive input on

.1 V through l0O V r.ngs. Monitor A ! TPR with scop€ lTrigge. on AtTpK, + slope, 20 ms/cm). Cdrect wavetorm for @ch range:

C o n n e c t

- 5 V

t o


and repqr


negatiw full Enge input on

.1 V through 1O0 V range..

Correct waveform Ior each 6nge:

D i s n n e d

- 5 V

l r o m




A1UZ)2 in scket. Check

j l T V . n d

! 3 0 V p o w 6





ro DC






Set Sampte R.E ro FAST. usang dual inpu! spe, @mp6re waveform 6t all input. to A2U2 with B@t-

$6p waveform. Waw-

torß Crould be aa in- in Figure7.1, Trig- s@r on AITPK. Ob-

with / A I A l T I

-5 V . C gac3 o

arld ( AlTPK]


o V r



- s V J



_ 5 V L

See Ptu *poring


Replace A1U2O3 and per- torm DC Zero Adiu.t- rcnts, Pa.agraph 5€5.


1. Ser FUNCTION ro DC. lI inslrument has

serve display while performing rhia tes. Prob- lem mV clear temporarily while r@pe probe is @n- n4ted to A2U2.


Apply in and ft

right ( Voltag6


R N G . I

' t v

1 0 v t o v


r s t E




Ratio or Sample/Hold option, set RATIO to tNT REF and SAMPLE/HOLO ro OFF.

2.A dc *andard. a dual-race o$illosp€, a 5diqit sltreter, and a dc null rcltmeter are required for thee checks.

3.The time sh&n on wawforms is @Fect for instrurenti dsigned for 60 Hz line opeEtion. For 50 H. instrumnts_ ins€s time trv 20%.

Set Sample Rare ro FAST. Trigger $ope on AITPK. +ilope. Check all outpuls ot Al U401. Wavelorms *lould be ar shown in Figure7.2 -


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Page 146
Image 146
HP Car 3490A manual UiL, T E, Q208, Yes, T o