M o d e l 3 4 9 0 A

for J7 is -hp- Part No. 1252-0084 (Amphenol


245. Sample/Holdwith GPIB Option030. Figure2-10 shows the Trigger Connector, Jll, and describesthe trigger signals. The mating connector is -trp-Part No.

125l-0142 (Amphenol 57


4 l).



If the instrument is to be shippedto Hewlett-Packardfor service or repair, attach a tag to the instrument identifying the owner and indicating the serviceor repair to be accomplishedInclude. the model number and full serialnumber of the instrument.In any correspondence, identify the instrument by model number and full serial nulhber. If you haveany questions,contactyour nearest -hp-Salesand ServiceOffice.

247.The following is a general guide for repackaging the instrument for shipment.If the original containeris available, place the instrument in the container with appropriate packing material and seal well with strong tape or metal bands. If the original container is not available,proceedasfollows:


a.Wrap the instrument in heavy paper or plastic beforeplacingin an inner container.

b.Place packing material around all sides of the instrumentand protect panel face with cardboardstrips or plasticfoam.

c.Place the instrument and inner container in a heavy carton and sealwith strong tape or metal bands.

d.Mark shipping container '.DELICATEINSTRU_ MENI" "FRAGILE." etc.


If the instrument is to be shipped to Hewlett-Packard for service or repair, attach o tag to the instrument identifying the owner and indicating the serviceor repair to be accomplished.Include the model number and full seiul number of the instrument. In any cotrespondence,identify the instrument by model number and full seriatnimber. If you have any questions,contact your near- est -hp-Salesand Service Office.


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Image 23
HP Car 3490A manual S7-30360-37s, Repackagingforshipment, D e l 3 4 9 0 a For J7 is -hp- Part No -0084 Amphenol