Select TEST No. L Set Sample Rate to HOLD. Iniriare readingswith MAN trigger and compare to list ot @rrect readings sh@n

llnot all readings are cor-

recl, compare readings with lists of possible erro - neous readings shown be-

low, to determine il the

readings obtained are iden - tiel to any set ol readingE listed .

Ser Sample Rare to HOLD, Function to TEST. Flange to 2. Iniriate one smple with MAN Trigger, rhen elect Range 1 and initiate one $mple,

A Logic ComFrator, - hp - 105294, roy be used to check certain

loqic units in rhe 34904 . This instrument@mparesthe logic

Fckage 1o a reterence unit of the same tvf . Two logic Fckages,

AlU18and A1U23are low power units and € nnotbe checked

with the Logic ComFrator . A1U4,5,and6are mounted ioo close to rhe guard shield ro be checked in this way .

! 4 9 0 A - 0 - 2 9 9 9

Y E S Select Range 3, ir gmple then sele

and initiate one s

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HP Car 3490A manual