S E E N O T E 1 . M o n i t o r 1 1 o f A l U l 2 .

otuu' U.T:'"",'J"',l,:,t-:t

- + i O . 2 5 4 s F



:or waveform or voltage, tirst turn 3490A OFF, then while holdinq

-TRIGGER tlutton depressed,turn instrument ON and measureth! wavetorm or volrage. The pushbution must be held in while the

€nl is taken. This procedureappliesonly to those testswhich refer to

shown on Mveforms is corred tor instrumentsdesignedfor 60 Hz rtion. For 50 Hz instruments,incr@setime by 2O%.

oscop€ is required for these checks. Voltages mV be mesurecl with accuracv with an oscillosco@.

pin 1 of Alt-J7. traggerto +5 V lest o n A 1 A 1 . E x r S y n c ,

+ Slope. Turn 3490A OFF back ON. Voltage at I should remain low approx. 10oms, then

so Hish(+5 v).

S E E N O T E 1 . M o n i t o rp i n s

';1;:and 7 of A1 U2-*"*-'￿'

l+5 ms-l


t'tj ,o." 1*



E NOTE 1. Monitor

:NOTE 1. M€sure agesat pins 1 and 4 oI

41U4. Both pins should be > + 2 . 7 V .

Re{er to Logic Trouble- shootingsuggestionsin PaL agraph 7 39.

A't02,A103 .


SEE NOTE Monitor 3 of Al U6.

Correcl wave{orm:

-luI soms-lJI .r- -

Measurevoltage at pin 5 of 4 1 U 2 . S h o u l db e ' 1 1 V r t o % .

T r o u b l e s h @ t , 1 1 V s u r p l y , A l C R 3 .

A 1 U 1 9 a n d A 1 U 2 1

Figure 7€, Note 1.

Page 167
Image 167
HP Car 3490A manual Otuu U.T,J,l,,t-t, Ttj ,o, + i O 5 4 s F, +5 ms-l, LuI soms-lJI .r