Connect oscillosope to AlTPU and monitor State Clock output. Set scopeto Inr. Sync +Slope.

S E E N O T E t . M o n i t o r 1 1 o l A l U l 2 .

M (

Sct po

Correct waveform:

M o n i t o r p i n 1 1 o l A 1 U 4 .

Y E S +

SE€ NOTE 1. Monitor pins and 7 of A1 U2.

:;[l + 5 n-s l r

t'! .o." 1-



Monitor pin 14 oI A'lUs

Correct waveform:

E NOTE 1. Monitor pin



1. To monitor waveform or voltage, first turn 34904 OFF, then while holding MANUAL TRIGGER button detressed,turn instrument ON and m@surethe necesgry waveform or voltage. The pushbutton must be held in while the measurementis bken- This procedureappliesoßly to those testswhich refer to Note 1.

2. The time shown on waveforms is correct for instrumentsdesignedlor 60 Hz line operation. For 50 Hz instruments,increasetime by 20%.

3- An oscilloscopeis required {or these checks. Voltagesruv be m@suredwith sufJicientaccuracvwiih an oscilloscope.

3 4 9 0 4 - 0 - 2 $ 7

1U4. Both pins should

Refer to Loqic Trouble- shooting suggestionsin Par- agraph 7-39 .

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Image 166
HP Car 3490A manual + 5 n-s l r, S +