Comply with Nots 1

betoro frforming the

following t6ts. Check

r3 0 V , I 1 7 V , a n d r 5 V

prer suppty vott6g6 at



on sti€l

a $ embly 4141 . Correct

Eltages shown


!904 - O - !OO!


1.Bdore lollowing this Troubleshmtiru Proedure, .emve th€

Ohc Oonvqtq from it3 @nndor. lr is nor n*6erv ro

disnned iis input or outpur tads. tf the Ohft Convener is

lefr in its 6nnedor, e tailure in the Logic Ct@k my daroS

the @n6er, d a Iaiture in the 6nsts my diebt€ the clock and Fovent Elid tro6tsh@trn9.

2.A dc Fltretn, an osdtto@f and a dc srandard are rquired

for th6e ctekr. The Low ltrminat ot the dc standard most

h 6Fble of fl@ting at l@st 50O V abow its chasis ground,

sine th€ oscillosof ground (clEssisl mult b dnnedd to the 34904 cLcuh @mmon.

3.The time shM on wavelorms is rhe corred tiru fot

infrumnts designed tor m Hz tine o6ation. Fff 50 Ht

in*rurunts, increase rhe time shmn bv 2O%.

Powtr Supply Voltages:



+ 1 7 V+ 1 6 ! 9 t o + 1 7 . 0 1 V

+30 V + 30.10 to + 3090 V

+5 V+ 4 9 9 5 t o + 5 . 0 7 5 V

-5 V- 5 . O 0 t o - 5 8 5 V

- 17 V- 1695 to - 17 . 05 V

-30 V- 30.10 to ,30.90 V

Set Sbmple Rate to HOLD.

Obsrw decimal pint

while *lecring ech 6lid

EnF in all fundions.

Oecimd Fint 3h@ld

corrqpdto rans

elfttd in all 6s6.

Cored Dd ot Logic 6t r@d-


ings. Numbers, rclarity rymbol, and sequen@ mu$ be ebctly as shown, but r€adinfr my b€gin at any Fint in the lirt -

+ @0.024

+ o4.oo24 + o.2@24 + .01002/i + 0.09032 +.t0.0024 + 200.024 + 4000.24 + 80002.4

+ 6O0O.xxOL

Set Fundion to TEST,

Range to 1 ad Frform

Lqic Ten $ ou{ind in

Pa€graph 338.

Page 142
Image 142
HP Car 3490A manual