
connector J7 is -hp-Part No. l25l{084 (Amphenol 57-30360-375). This connector is supplied with the RemoteControl option


2-35. Options 020 and 030 provide a rear panel input connectorin parallelwith the front panelterminals.This connector is shown in Figure 2-1. The inner guard of the 3490A Rear Input connectoris internally connectedto pin B. Do not connect thesepoints togetherexternally. The mating connector for this rear panel input is -hp-Part No. 125l-1233, ComponentManufacturingService, Inc. Part No. A-1369. A six-foot cable,-hpPart No.

03490-61612, is supplied with Options 020 and 030. This cable is terminated at one end by the rear input

Rear Input Connector,J10


mating connector;the other end is unterminated.Figure 2-7 alsoshowsthe wire colors in this cable.


2-37. Figure 2-9 showsthe signalconnectionsat the rear panelGPIB connector,Il2, and.givesa brief description of each signal. Additional signal information is included in Section III, Operating Instructions (see Paragraph 3-90). The 1063IA/B/C Interface Cables shown in Figure 2-8 are usedto connectthe instrumentstogether. The connectorsat either end of the cableare identical and consist of a plug which mateswith the instrument rear panel connectoror another cable,and a receptacle which will receiveanother cable plug. Instruments may

.then be paralleledas shown in Figure 4-20. The dual connectoris not availableasa separateunit becausethe hood is molded around the cable.The connectorslisted in Table 2-2 mate with the rear panel connector or another cable. These do not provide the thumb screws for securingthe connectors.

2-38. InterfaceGableLength.



AHigh\ o Sisnalor

BLoryJ Ext. Ref.

cInput Low

DInput High

tr C o n n .t o B ( l n t )


Wire Color

(External Cable)





NC Shield

2-39. As many as 15 instrumentscan be connectedin parallel to the same General Purpose Interface bus; however, the following restrictions must be observed. Figure 4-20 shows the cabling for a typical General PurposeInterfacebus system.

l. The cable length between two instruments cannotexceed12 feet.

2. Whenmore than two instrumentsareconnected

in parallel, the cable length to each additional

Mating Connector: -hp-Part No. 1251-1233

Mating Cable: - hp - Part No . 03490 - 61 612

Figure2-7. RearInput Connectorand Cable.

instrumentcannot exceed6 feet per unit.

3. The total cable length to all units cannot

exceed5 I feet.



3 f t

1 0 6 3 1 8

6 f t



Figure2-8. InterfaceBusCables.

Page 20
Image 20
HP Car 3490A manual RearInput, GeneralPurposelnterfaceBusConnections, Cablepart NO. Length, 10631A 6 3 1 10631C