C o n t r o l P a n e l O p t i o n s

Table D.1 Control Panel menu options, settings, and descriptions (continued)

Menu Option,








Ethernet Menu

Invokes the Ethernet Menu.

Interface Menu


Appears only when the


DNIC-E’NET option is






Font Number

Specifies the ID of the default font in PCL.

PCL Emulat Menu

Only values valid for the Font Source location are displayed. For example, if you

0* - 999

have internal fonts only, the maximum Font Number is 52.

Font Number values are printed on the PCL Font List in the first column. Print a



PCL Font List to find the correct number to use with this setting.


The Font Number setting returns to its factory setting (0) if Symbol Set


(page D-17) is changed. If the Font Source setting specifies a location


other than Internal, Font Number reverts to 0 automatically.



Font Source

Location of the default font in PCL.

PCL Emulat Menu

Internal refers to the font set residing in the printer’s permanent memory. These


fonts are resident in the printer and cannot be altered.



The Font Source setting returns to its factory setting (Internal) if



Symbol Set (page D-17) is changed. If the Font Source setting specifies a


location other than Internal, Font Number reverts to 0 automatically.



Format the Disk

Causes the hard disk to be formatted or reformatted.

Test Menu

This action erases all data on the hard disk. It must therefore be

Appears only when the

confirmed twice before it is executed.

hard drive option is






Form Length

Number of lines per page used in PCL.

PCL Emulat Menu

The Form Length setting is automatically adjusted when Paper Size (page D-12)

005 - 128

is changed. For example, if you set Paper Size to A4 (210x297), Form Length is

adjusted to 64 automatically. If Paper Size is set to Letter (8.5x11), Form Length

64* (Europe)

is adjusted to 60.

60* (USA)





Table D.1 Page 5 of 16



A p p e n d i x D : C o n t r o l P a n e l O p t i o n s D-7

Page 205
Image 205
HP LN17 manual Ethernet Menu†, Font Number, Font Source, Format the Disk†, Form Length