
Common Symptoms and Solutions

Easy-CD Audio or CD Copier software, it will cause data corruption. Turn off the printer status monitor software to prevent this problem. Check the information that came with your printer to find out how to do this.

Finding the CD-Writer Plus driver files.

In Window 95/98, the following file is needed for your CD-Writer Plus drive to work successfully attached to a parallel port: EPATAP9X.MPD (mini port driver file)

This file will be copied from Software Disc 1 during installation and located in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS\ directory.

In Window NT, the following files are needed for your CD-Writer Plus drive to work successfully attached to a parallel port: EPATAPNT.MPD (mini port driver file)

SHARSHTL.SYS (printer driver support file)

These files will be copied from Software Disc 1 during installation and located in the \WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ directory.