Finding Files On Your CD |
Narrowing Your Search
When you are finished entering search criteria the results appear in the Refine Results screen:
You may want to narrow your search further by date, file type, or search words.
To refine by date:
Move the sliders back and forth until the range of dates you want appear on either corner of the box. The results window will update as you change the date.
To refine with File Types
Click on the File Type tab in the middle of the screen. To limit the file types that appear in the results window, click on the appropriate checkboxes. The results window will be updated.
To refine with Search Words
If you want to modify the words you used as search criteria, click on the Search Words tab in the middle of the screen. Type the word you want to include as a search criteria in the space, then click Add to list. Remove a search word by highlighting it and clicking on Remove From List. The results window will update.