Configuration Planning Worksheets

Node Worksheets

Node Worksheets

Complete only one of the following worksheets:

“APPN End Node”

“LEN Node”

APPN End Node

Complete this worksheet if the local node is an APPN end node (a node that can use dynamic routing information but does not provide routing services for other nodes).



Motif FieldValid Entry/NotesImplementation







Node Parameters Dialog






APPN support

End node


Control point name

NETNAME.CPNAME (each 1–8 type



A EBCDIC characters)



To connect to a VTAM host, this name



must match the NETID= and



CPNAME= entries in the VTAM PU





Control point alias

Up to 8 characters


Node ID

8 hexadecimal digits


Connectivity Configuration: See “Connectivity Worksheets”.

Appendix A