port facility, 58 network example, 44 network node, 30, 45 node, 75
node types, 43 route selection, 56 SNMP subagent, 341
APPN support parameter, 137 Arguments parameter, 191 AS/400 (Application System/
400), 43
ASCII Administration Program, 129
Assigned LUs parameter, 173, 221
audit log file, 105
parameter, 197 automatic network routing
(ANR)See ANR, 53
backup master server, 135 backup server, 87
basic conversation, 40 BIND request, 37 boundary node, 28 broadcast search, 52
central logging, 105 Channel ID parameter, 160 characters, in RCF commands,
CICS (Customer Information
Control System), 34
Circuit type parameter, 160 class of service (COS)See COS,
42 client
ARGUMENTS parameter, 346 defining TP on, 253
definition, 85
344 managing, 250 network data file, 104 networking requirements, 251 PATH parameter, 346 SECURITY_TYPE parameter,
351 SERVICE_NAME parameter,
SHOW parameter, 350 TIMEOUT parameter, 348 TPname parameter, 346 TYPE parameter, 346 Win16 configuration, 278 Win32 configuration, 257
client/server benefits, 86 configuration, 135 example configuration, 72 support, 85
on a client, 295 Win16 client, 292 Win32 client, 271
cluster controller, 28
CN (connection network)See connection network, 43
CN name parameter, 152
program command types, 131 description, 101 from a client, 130 help, 130
using, 130 commands
modifying configuration servers, 136
communication controller, 28
communication controller node, 27
communications link, 28 components of SNAplus2, 74 configuration
3270 session, 216
APPC communication, 176 APPC security, 204 connection network, 147 connectivity, 143
DLC, 147
DLUR, 233 examples
SNAplus2 client/server con- figuration, 72
SNAplus2 node configured as a TN server, 70, 71 SNAplus2 nodes in an APPN
network, 69 standalone SNAplus2 node
for host communication, 69
files, 102 node, 137 passthrough services, 224 port, 147
PU concentration, 230 RJE workstations, 220 security access list, 206 tasks, 133
TN server access records, 226 TN server association records,
228 TP, 187
configuration server, 135 adding, 136 removing, 136
Configure downstream LUs for implicit PU access parameter, 153
connection network