start command, 112 stop command, 114 STREAMS components, 74 style file
3270 emulation program, 104 RJE workstation, 104
Style file access parameter, 215 Style File parameter, 214 subarea network
description, 26 example, 28 node types, 27 route selection, 41
subarea node, 27 subarea SNA, 25 succinct logging, 105 Support TN3270E parameter,
Supports parallel sessions parameter, 185
synchronous data link control
(SDLC)See SDLC, 91 system services control point
(SSCP), 35
target TP, 39, 187 task sheets, 110
TCP/IP port number parameter, 227
TDU (topology database update), 56
telnet (TN)See TN server, 77 terminal, 28
terminal controller, 28
TN (telnet)See TN server, 77 TN server
access record additional configuration
needs, 228 configuration, 226 configuration methods, 226
access record parameters Allow access to specific LU,
Display LU assigned, 228 Printer LU assigned, 228 Support TN3270E, 227 TCP/IP port number, 227 TN3270 client address, 226
association record configuration, 228 configuration methods, 228
association record parameters Display LU, 229
Printer LU, 229 description, 77
example configuration, 70, 71 user, 79
worksheet, 324 TN3270
multiple sessions, 79 programs, 77, 79 Telnet 3270 standard
extensions, 77 TN3270E protocol, 77 users, 78
TN3270 client address parameter, 226
token ring DLC, 91
port configuration, 147 worksheet, 310
topology and routing services (TRS), 53
topology database update (TDU), 56
topology information, 37 connection network, 54 local, 54
APPC definition parameters Conversation level security
required, 193 Restrict access, 193
Security access list, 193 TP name, 192
client, 253 configuration
purpose, 187 configuration methods, 188 description, 31 invocation parameters, 189
Arguments, 191
Full path to TP executable, 191
Group ID, 192 LU alias, 190
Multiple instances support- ed, 190
Parameters are for invocation on specific LU, 189
Route incoming Allocates to running TP, 190
TP name, 189 User ID, 191 invokable, 39, 187 invoking, 39, 187
source, 39, 187 target, 39, 187
TP configuration parameters ENV, 350
GROUP, 349
TP name parameter, 189, 192 trace file, 105
3270 emulation program, 270,
on a client, 295 kernel components, 112
on a client, 295 transaction program (TP)See TP,
31 transmission group, 53