Using SNAplus2 in a High Availability Environment

Advanced Configuration Techniques

to add more intelligence to the Service in the Package Control Script that will allow you to attempt local recovery before informing ServiceGuard that a remote failover is necessary.

Writing Your Own SNAplus2 Service Script

By customizing the Service used in the Package Control Script, you can do the following:

Automatically attempt local restart of an SNAplus2 package that has failed.

Automatically attempt local failover to another network adapter when one fails.

Use a backup link type when the primary link fails.

Local failover allows SNAplus2 to attempt local recovery of an SNAplus2 LS before informing ServiceGuard that the package has failed. This will add more redundancy to your network and reduce even further the effects of a single point of failure.


Some networking packages, like TCP/IP, support Continuous Availability


during local failover ; t hat is, applications do not experience outages


while the system is switching from one network adapter to another.


SNAplus2 does not support Continuous Availability during local


failovers. Applications will experience session outages, and must


re-establish LU-LU sessions with the remote SNA system after the


switch has occurred.


The following command is the previously discussed Service Command for



the SNAplus2 package that instructs ServiceGuard to start the


snapmon process to monitor an SNAplus2 LS.


SERVICE_CMD[0]=”/opt/sna/bin/snapmon -i1 -r60 HALS”


The Service Command starts a process. The termination of this process


is a signal to ServiceGuard that your package has failed. To add local


recovery options to the package, replace the Service Command with a


new executable file (a program or shell script) that you write. For


example, if you change the Service Command to say,




then you can add commands to perform local recovery in a shell script


called snapkg.mon. You will still use the snapmon utility to monitor


the state of your SNAplus2 LS, but you can include other SNAplus2

Appendix D


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HP UX SNAplus2 manual Writing Your Own SNAplus2 Service Script