System Event Analyzer
2.3 SEA Known Issues Services Fail to Start
When the system is heavily loaded, or on very slow machines such as the AlphaServer 1000, the Director may have problems starting its services. If any service fails to start, the Director automatically shuts down and records an error in the Director log (under svctools_home/specific/webes/logs) similar to the following:
FATAL ERROR on July 22, 2003 12:39:27 PM MDT (144.002 sec elapsed) The following services failed to start: com.compaq.svctools.ca.services.analysis.EvtAnalyzer
Current Thread[main,5,main]
...or the following: (the service name may vary and is not usually important)
FATAL ERROR on February 14, 2005 10:11:42 AM
The following services failed to start: com.compaq.svctools.ca.services.web.SEAWebService
To allow the services enough time to start up, increase the ctrlrStartupTimeout value in the Director Settings. However, it may be noted that the Director must be running in order to change this
When updating the Director Settings, be sure to start the Director when the system is not under heavy load.
1.Open SEA in a browser window, and click the SEA Settings button.
2.Select the Director Settings tab at the bottom of the window. The WEBES Services listbox automatically selects the Director's Global Attributes.
3.Select ctrlrStartupTimeout from the bulleted list. By default, the value is set to 60000 milliseconds (1 minute).
4.Enter a new
Increasing the value to 300000 milliseconds (5 minutes) provides the services with more than enough startup time.
5.Click Change.
If you cannot connect to a Web interface, but can start the Director successfully at a point of time (such as when the machine is not heavily loaded), issue the following command while the Director is running, to increase the
desta msg
Rev. 9/8/06