| Displays the following summary information for each job: |
JOBID | The job ID assigned by LSF. |
USER | The name of the user who submitted the job. |
HOST | The name of the host where the job has been started. |
PROJECT | The name of the license project that the job is associated with. |
CLUSTER | The name of the LSF cluster that the job is associated with. Displays |
| interactive job. |
START_TIME | The job start time. |
| Displays the following information for each license in use by the job: |
RESOURCE | The name of the license requested by the job. |
RUSAGE | The number of licenses requested by the job. |
SERVICE_DOMAIN | The name of the service domain that provided the license. |
| The keyword UNKNOWN means the job requested a license from License |
| Scheduler but has not checked out the license from FLEXnet. |
Long Output |
| Displays the default output and the following additional information for each job: |
OTHERS | License usage for |
DISPLAYS | Terminal display associated with the license feature. |
PIDS | Process ID of the process that checked out the license feature. |
| The Macrovision FLEXnet plugin for LSF License Scheduler must be enabled to |
| display the process ID. |
Viewing license feature locality
When LOCAL_TO is configured for a feature in lsf.licensescheduler, blusers shows the cluster locality information for the license features. For example:
blusers |
hspice@clusterA | SD1 | user1 | host1 | 1 | 1 |
hspice@siteB | SD2 | user2 | host2 | 1 | 1 |
112Platform LSF Command Reference