See also



Dec—If the numeric value decreases as the load increases.


N/A—If the resource is not numeric.


The number of seconds between updates of that index. Load indices are updated


every INTERVAL seconds. A value of 0 means the value never changes.


If BUILTIN is Yes, the resource name is defined internally by LIM. If BUILTIN is


No, the resource name is site-specific defined externally by the LSF administrator.


If DYNAMIC is Yes the resource is a load index that changes over time. If


DYNAMIC is No the resource represents information that is fixed such as the total


swap space on a host. Resources are Static or Boolean.


Applies to numeric shared resources only, such as floating licenses. Indicates


whether LSF releases the resource when a job using the resource is suspended.


When a job using a shared resource is suspended, the resource is held or released


by the job depending on the configuration of the RELEASE parameter in




No indicates the resource is held. Yes indicates the resource is released.


If CONSUMABLE is Yes the resource is a static or dynamic numeric resource that


is specified as consumable in the Resource section of lsf.shared.

See also



lshosts, lsload, lsf.shared, ls_info, ls_policy

252Platform LSF Command Reference