You must specify at least hour:minute. Year, month, and day are optional. Three fields are assumed to be day:hour:minute, four fields are assumed to be month:day:hour:minute, and five fields are year:month:day:hour:minute.
If you do not specify a day, LSF assumes the current day. If you do not specify a month, LSF assumes the current month. If you specify a year, you must specify a month.
The time value for
with the following ranges:
◆year: any year after 1900 (YYYY)
◆day of the month:
You must specify at least hour:minute. Year, month, and day are optional. Three fields are assumed to be day:hour:minute, four fields are assumed to be month:day:hour:minute, and five fields are year:month:day:hour:minute.
If you do not specify a day, LSF assumes the current day. If you do not specify a month, LSF assumes the current month. If you specify a year, you must specify a month.
The time value for
Lists hosts for which job slots specified with
If you also specify a resource requirement string with the
The hosts can be local to the cluster or hosts leased from remote clusters.
If no
Platform LSF Command Reference 153