Shuts down RESs on the specified hosts or on all hosts in the cluster if the word all is specified. You are prompted to confirm RES shutdown.

If RES is running, it keeps running until all remote tasks exit.


Disables interaction and does not ask for confirmation for shutting down RESs.

resrestart [-f] [host_name ... all]

Restarts RES on the local host if no arguments are specified.

Restarts RESs on the specified hosts or on all hosts in the cluster if the word all is specified. You are prompted to confirm RES restart.

If RES is running, it keeps running until all remote tasks exit. While waiting for remote tasks to exit, another RES is restarted to serve the new queries.


Disables interaction and does not ask for confirmation for restarting RESs.

reslogon [-c cpu_time] [host_name ... all]

Logs all tasks executed by RES on the local host if no arguments are specified.

Logs tasks executed by RESs on the specified hosts or on all hosts in the cluster if all is specified.

RES writes the task’s resource usage information into the log file lsf.acct.host_name. The location of the log file is determined by LSF_RES_ACCTDIR defined in lsf.conf. If LSF_RES_ACCTDIR is not defined, or RES cannot access it, the log file is created in /tmp instead.


Logs only tasks that use more than the specified amount of CPU time. The amount of CPU time is specified by cpu_time in milliseconds.

reslogoff [host_name ... all]

Turns off RES task logging on the specified hosts or on all hosts in the cluster if all is specified.

If no arguments are specified, turns off RES task logging on the local host.

limdebug [-c "class_name ..."] [-l debug_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o] ["host_name ..."]

Sets the message log level for LIM to include additional information in log files. You must be root or the LSF administrator to use this command.

If the command is used without any options, the following default values are used:

class_name=0 (no additional classes are logged)

debug_level=0 (LOG_DEBUG level in parameter LSF_LOG_MASK)

logfile_name=current LSF system log file in the LSF system log file directory, in the format daemon_name.log.host_name

host_name= local host (host from which command was submitted)

In MultiCluster, debug levels can only be set for hosts within the same cluster. For example, you could not set debug or timing levels from a host in clusterA for a host in clusterB. You need to be on a host in clusterB to set up debug or timing levels for clusterB hosts.

Platform LSF Command Reference 225