Submit a batch interactive job that starts csh as an interactive shell.

bsub -b 20:00 -J my_job_name my_program

Submit my_program to run after 8 p.m. and assign it the job name my_job_name.

bsub my_script

Submit my_script as a batch job. Since my_script is specified as a command line argument, the my_script file is not spooled. Later changes to the my_script file before the job completes may affect this job.

bsub < default_shell_script

where default_shell_script contains:



The file default_shell_script is spooled, and the commands are run under the Bourne shell since a shell specification is not given in the first line of the script.

bsub < csh_script

where csh_script contains:




csh_script is spooled and the commands are run under /bin/csh.

bsub -q night < my_script

where my_script contains:

#!/bin/sh #BSUB -q test

#BSUB -o outfile -e errfile # my default stdout, stderr files #BSUB -m "host1 host2" # my default candidate hosts

#BSUB -f "input > tmp" -f "output << tmp" #BSUB -D 200 -c 10/host1

#BSUB -t 13:00 #BSUB -k "dir 5" sim1.exe sim2.exe

The job is submitted to the night queue instead of test, because the command line overrides the script.

bsub -b 20:00 -J my_job_name

bsub> sleep 1800 bsub> my_program bsub> CTRL-D

The job commands are entered interactively.

bsub -T 4 myjob

Submits myjob with a maximum number of concurrent threads of 4.

bsub -W 15 -sla Kyuquot sleep 100

Submit the UNIX command sleep together with its argument 100 as a batch job to the service class named Kyuquot.

Platform LSF Command Reference 207