

adds an advance reservation


brsvadd [-o][-d "description"] [-Nreservation_name] {-s-njob_slots {-uuser_name -ggroup_name}} {-m "host_name host_group ..." [-R "res_req"] [-m "host_name host_group ..."] -R "res_req"} {-bbegin_time -eend_time -ttime_window}

brsvadd {-h -V}


CAUTION: By default, this command can only be used by LSF administrators or root.

Reserves job slots in advance for a specified period of time for a user or user group, or for system maintenance purposes. Use -band -efor one-time reservations, and -tfor recurring reservations.

To allow users to create their own advance reservations without administrator intervention, configure advance reservation policies in the ResourceReservation section of lsb.resources.

Only administrators, root, or the users listed in the ResourceReservation section can add reservations for themselves or any other user or user group.


-oCreates an open advance reservation. A job with an open advance reservation only has the advance reservation property during the reservation window, after which the job becomes a normal job, not subject to termination when the reservation window closes.

This prevents jobs from being killed if the reservation window is too small. Instead, the job is suspended and normal scheduling policies apply after the reservation window.

-sCreates a reservation for system use. LSF does not dispatch jobs to the specified hosts while the reservation is active.

When specifying a system reservation with -s, you do not need to specify the number of job slots to reserve with the -noption.

-bbegin_time Begin time for a one-time reservation. The begin time is in the form


with the following ranges:

year: any year after 1900 (YYYY)

month: 1-12 (MM)

day of the month: 1-31 (dd)

hour: 0-23 (hh)

152Platform LSF Command Reference