
creates job groups


bgadd [-Llimit] [-slaservice_class_name] job_group_name

bgadd [-h -V]


Creates a job group with the job group name specified by job_group_name.

You must provide full group path name for the new job group. The last component of the path is the name of the new group to be created.

You do not need to create the parent job group before you create a sub-group under it. If no groups in the job group hierarchy exist, all groups are created with the specified hierarchy.


-Llimit Specifies the maximum number of concurrent jobs allowed to run under the job group (including child groups) -Llimits the number of started jobs (RUN, SSUSP, USSUP) under the job group.

Specify a positive number between 0 and 2147483647. If the specified limit is zero (0), no jobs under the job group can run.

You cannot specify a limit for the root job group. The root job group has no job limit. Job groups added with no limits specified inherit any limits of existing parent job groups. The -Loption only limits the lowest level job group created.

If a parallel job requests 2 CPUs (bsub -n 2), the job group limit is per job, not per slots used by the job.

By default, a job group has no job limit. Limits persist across mbatchd restart or reconfiguration.


job_group_name -h-V

The name of a service class defined in lsb.serviceclasses, or the name of the SLA defined in ENABLE_DEFAULT_EGO_SLA in lsb.params. The job group is attached to the specified SLA.

Full path of the job group name.

Prints command usage to stderr and exits.

Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.


Create a job group named risk_group under the root group /:

bgadd /risk_group

Platform LSF Command Reference 41