slots on hostA are used, the job remains pending. With
Required. Specify one or more hosts on which to run the job.
You can optionally specify the number of CPUs required per host for multihost parallel jobs. The #num_cpus option distributes job slots according the number of CPUs on the host. If #num_cpus is not defined, or if #num_cpus is greater than the number of static CPUs on the host (or the number of free CPUs if
#num_cpus is optional. Do not include them in the command.
For example, the following command forces job 123 to run and specifies 1 CPU on hostA and 1 CPU on hostB:
job_ID "job_ID[index_list]"
Required. Specify the job to run, or specify one element of a job array.
You cannot force a job in SSUSP or USUSP state.
brun does not guarantee a job will run; it just forces LSF to dispatch the job.
In the MultiCluster job forwarding model, you can only force a job by running the command in the execution cluster.
166Platform LSF Command Reference