
adjusts load indices on hosts


lsloadadj [-Rres_req] [host_name[:num_task] ...]

lsloadadj [-h -V]


Adjusts load indices on hosts. This is useful if a task placement decision is made outside LIM by another application.

By default, assumes tasks are CPU-intensive and memory-intensive. This means the CPU and memory load indices are adjusted to a higher number than other load indices.

By default, adjusts load indices on the local host, the host from which the command was submitted.

By default, starts 1 task.

Upon receiving a load adjustment request, LIM temporarily increases the load on hosts according to resource requirements. This helps LIM avoid sending too many jobs to the same host in quick succession. The adjusted load decays over time before the real load produced by the dispatched task is reflected in LIM’s load information.

lsloadadj adjusts all indices except for ls (login sessions), it (idle time), r15m (15-minute run queue length) and external load indices. Other load indices can only be adjusted beyond specific maximum values.

tmp is -0.5

swp is -1.5

mem is -1.0

r1m is 0.4

ut is 15%


-Rres_req Specify resource requirements for tasks. Only the resource usage (rusage) section of the resource requirement string is considered. This is used by LIM to determine by how much individual load indices are to be adjusted.

For example, if a task is swap-space-intensive, load adjustment on the swp load index is higher; other indices are increased only slightly.

host_name[:num_task] ...

Specify a list of hosts for which load is to be adjusted. num_task indicates the number of tasks to be started on the host.

-hPrints command usage to stderr and exits.

-VPrints LSF release version to stderr and exits.

Platform LSF Command Reference 257