kills and requeues a job
You can only use brequeue on a job you own, unless you are root or the LSF administrator.
Kills a running (RUN),
When JOB_INCLUDE_POSTPROC=Y is set in lsb.params or in an application profile in lsb.applications, job requeue occurs only after
Use brequeue to requeue job arrays or job array elements.
By default, kills and requeues your most recently submitted job when no job ID is specified.
With MultiCluster, you can only use brequeue on jobs in local queues. A job that is killed and requeued is assigned a new job ID on the cluster in which it is executed, but it retains the same job ID on the cluster from which it was submitted. For example, a job from cluster A that is killed and requeued and then run on cluster B is assigned a new job ID on cluster B. However, when the bjobs command is used from cluster A, the submitting cluster, the job is displayed with the original job ID. When the bjobs command is used from cluster B, the execution cluster, the job is displayed with the new job ID.
When absolute job priority scheduling (APS) is configured in the queue, all requeued jobs are treated as newly submitted jobs for APS calculation. The job priority, system, and ADMIN APS factors are reset on requeue.
Platform LSF Command Reference 143