displays historical information about jobs
bhist [-a -d -e -p -r -s][-b -w][-l][-C start_time,end_time] [-D start_time,end_time] [-f logfile_name -n number_logfiles -n 0]
[-Sstart_time,end_time] [-Jjob_name] [-Lpls_project_name] [-mhost_name] [-Nhost_name -Nhost_model -NCPU_factor] [-Pproject_name] [-qqueue_name] [-uuser_name -u all]
bhist [-t][-flogfile_name] [-Tstart_time,end_time]
bhist [-Jjob_name] [-Nhost_name -Nhost_model -Ncpu_factor] [job_ID ... "job_ID[index]" ...]
bhist [-h -V]
By default:
◆Displays information about your own pending, running and suspended jobs. Groups information by job
◆CPU time is not normalized
◆Searches the event log file currently used by the LSF system:
$LSB_SHAREDIR/cluster_name/logdir/ (see
◆Displays events occurring in the past week, but this can be changed by setting the environment variable LSB_BHIST_HOURS to an alternative number of hours
If neither -lnor -bis present, the default is to display only the fields shown in
Output on page 48.
-aDisplays information about both finished and unfinished jobs.
This option overrides -d, -p, -s, and -r.
-bBrief format. Displays the information in a brief format. If used with the -soption, shows the reason why each job was suspended.
-dOnly displays information about finished jobs. -eOnly displays information about exited jobs.
-lLong format. Displays additional information. If used with -s, shows the reason why each job was suspended.
If you submitted a job using the OR () expression to specify alternative resources, this option displays the successful Execution rusage string with which the job ran.