configured in lsf.conf, the migrated jobs keep their APS information, and the migrated jobs compete with other pending jobs based on the APS value. If you want to reset the APS value, you must use brequeue instead of bmig.
job_ID "job_ID[index_list]" 0
Migrates jobs with the specified job IDs. LSF ignores the
If you specify a job ID of 0 (zero), LSF ignores all other job IDs and migrates all jobs that satisfy the
If you do not specify a job ID, LSF migrates the most recently submitted job that satisfies the
Migrates jobs to the specified hosts.
This option cannot be used on a MultiCluster job; bmig can only restart or rerun the job on the original host.
Migrates only those jobs submitted by the specified users. To specify a Windows user account, include the domain name in uppercase letters and use a single backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\user_name) in a Windows command line or a double backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\\user_name) in a UNIX command line.
If you specify the reserved user name all, LSF migrates jobs submitted by all users. Ignored if a job ID other than 0 (zero) is specified.
See also
bsub, brestart, bchkpnt, bjobs, bqueues, bhosts, bugroup, mbatchd, lsb.queues,
Platform LSF Command Reference 117